Our Blog Topics
General APIs for Channel - Our way to reduce time & cut down cost for developing backend by Elixir
Author: Manh Vu
Published: 2025-02-01


To reduce time & cost of development we develop a new way to call api from mobile to backend system for develop real-time application. That is based on Elixir & Phoenix channel, we call it i…

SuperCache - An in-house cache we build for our product
Author: Manh Vu
Published: 2025-01-26

SuperCache Intro

For build a realtime & low latency application by using Phoenix & Elixir we make a library for cache data in memory. In time we started to build our product we didn’t find a good …

Phoenix LiveView Optimization Guide
Author: Manh Vu
Published: 2024-11-10


Phoenix LiveView is very attractive for real-time & rich interactive web app. I have worked with LiveView for 2 years and very like it.

For the first project I worked, I make some mistakes …

Elixir Configuration & Environment variables
Author: Manh Vu
Published: 2024-10-10


One of confusions for me when work with Elixir is configuration. That not same with common configuration style I worked before.

So this topic I will deep dive to configuration in Elixir for…

Build a small chat service using Elixir and deploy it on Amazon ec2 using AWS (Part 2)
Author: Tam Ly
Published: 2024-09-14


At the part 1, we explored how to implement the database for our chat service. In this article, we’ll dive into how to implement chat functionality using LiveView, LiveComponent, Pu…

Build a small chat service using Elixir and deploy it on Amazon ec2 using AWS (Last part)
Author: Tam Ly
Published: 2024-09-14


In the part 2, we covered the implementation of chat functionality with LiveView, LiveComponent, PubSub, and Channels. In this final article, we’ll focus on compiling the application …

Build a small chat service using Elixir and deploy it on Amazon ec2 using AWS (Part 1)
Author: Tam Ly
Published: 2024-09-14


Let’s build a distributed chat service application using Elixir. It will be a simple project where users can join rooms and send messages to others, but it will also introduce some fas…

New supervisor for Elixir - SuperWorker
Author: Manh Vu
Published: 2024-08-18

(still updating)


Supervisor in Elixir (& Erlang) is one of interesting features of language. For legacy use case it’s enough, but it’s still limited feature for us. Based on process monit…

Elixir's with statement & pipe operator - Understanding & use cases
Author: Manh Vu
Published: 2024-08-13


Elixir is strange language, some special things like |> and with statement can make us confuse but it so convenient if we understand that.

In this topic, I will explain a little of bit abo…

Elixir Stream - The way to save resource
Author: Manh Vu
Published: 2024-07-16


When go to Elixir, almost of us use Enum (or for) a lot. Enum with pipe (|>) is the best couple, so easy to write clean code.

But we have a trouble when go to process a big list or file…

Elixir pattern matching - save your time, similar with the way of our thinking
Author: Manh Vu
Published: 2024-07-08


Once of interesting features of Elixir is pattern matching. That is way to save your time and similar with the way of our thinking.

Pattern matching help us to check value, extract value fr…

Elixir process - Explain more - Part 2
Author: Manh Vu
Published: 2024-07-07


Elixir process is weird & hard to fully understand.

Every single line of code is run in a process so understand it help us work good with Elixir.

Process is a way of Elixir (backed by Erla…

Elixir Task, Task.Supervisor - Another way to work with Elixir process
Author: Manh Vu
Published: 2024-07-06


If you just jump to Elixir from other languages, process & supervisor is one of many things you need to understand to take advantage of Elixir but it’s hard for people they don’t come from c…

Elixir Agent - A simple way to sharing data between processes without implement process or GenServer
Author: Manh Vu
Published: 2024-07-04


For newbies, it’s hard for fully understanding Elixir process (also GenServer). For easy to work with process, Elixir provides Agent module to support sharing data (state) between two or…

GenServer, a simple way to work with Elixir process
Author: Manh Vu
Published: 2024-06-29

In the topic about “Elixir Process, what is? how works?” I have talk about Elixir process now I talk about GenServer & use cases in Elixir.

GenServer is a template/skeleton for work with process …

Elixir Supervisor, a powerful thing can help dev & devops sleep well!
Author: Manh Vu
Published: 2024-06-29


I many years in my career, supervisor model is the best thing I wish other languages have. For example I have to work with Golang, it’s very good performance but still missed a important thi…

Elixir Tricks & Tips for debugging
Author: Manh Vu
Published: 2024-06-20


I will continue add tips & tricks for develop/debugging with Elixir in this topic for sharing my experiences about Elixir.

Add .iex.exs file for easy develop & debug

Add .iex.exs file t…

Elixir Process, what is? how works? What is linked & monitored process - Part 1
Author: Manh Vu
Published: 2024-06-13

One of some difficult to understand from other languages go to Elixir is process (a lightweight/green thread, not OS process) and people usually ignore it to use libraries.

Actually, Elixir process i…

Using Phoenix.PubSub as a message-bus for Elixir cluster
Author: Manh Vu
Published: 2024-06-09

In my sharing session about using Phoenix.PubSub as message-bus for Elixir cluster, it quite simple and effective way for small & medium system. Now I recap it.

![bus-message between two processes o…

Using Ecto (without Db) for validating Phoenix form
Author: Manh Vu
Published: 2024-06-08

I had a sharing session for Elixir community in Saigon about how to using Ecto without db for validating Phoenix form. Now I add this for people who just start to learn Elixir can see what can do with…

Setup LiveBook/Elixir to run Nx lib with Torchx (with GPU) on Macbook(Apple Silicon)
Author: Manh Vu
Published: 2024-03-23

If you want to run Elixir Nx library for machine learning on Macbook/Mac Mini/Mac Studio with Metal (GPU) for Apple Silicon you can simple follow steps.

1. Setup and config Pytorch.

Install `asd…

Setup Nx lib and EXLA to run NX/AXON with CUDA
Author: Manh Vu
Published: 2024-03-23

Steps for you setup and run Machine Learning with Axon or simple Nx script with EXLA with CUDA (GPU) on Linux(Ubuntu).

1. Setup CUDA on local machine.

For case you want to try run model on GPU (…