Super Cache - Elixir Library
(Start at: 2023-05-07)

Super Cache

(open source project)


A native cache for Elixir application, It run in same VM with Elixir application then can help reduce latency (compare with Redis run in standalone instance, usually run over network).

Super Cache is based on :ets table with partitioning to support run concurrency.


It’s APIs are similar with :ets table, don’t need spend much time to learn.

Scalable for big system.

Super Cache will support distributed in the next version.


Follow to run Super Cache in your Elixir application. That’s simple for newbie can easy take advantage of Elixir (backed by Erlang) to run a good performance cache or simple memory key/value database.

Hex & Repo

SuperCache is published on with name super_cache.

For people want to contribute to library we also open source at Github