Location Simulator - Elixir library
(Start at: 2023-05-16)

Location Simulator

*(open source project)


This is an Elixir open source library developed by us. Support for simulating GPS data.

Library help developer can generate a fake GPS or load real GPS from GPX file to simulate a location for testing or workload test.


Library support generate a fake gps data (with option for dev can set how gps is generated). Library also support load GPS from GPX files with wildcard file path.

Library is designed with scalable feature help us and other devs can easy test workload or simulate a massive users.


Follow guide on (Hexdocs.pm](https://hexdocs.pm/location_simulator/readme.html) or repo

We provide example in repo, follow the example for creating callback module.

Hex package and Repo

Hex.pm and find location_simulator

Github repo